Sleep training

Does your child find it difficult to sleep though the night?  

Many children wake frequently throughout the night, leading to tiredness which affects family relationships, and the child's learning and development.  

Many parents find working after a broken nights sleep and dealing with a wakeful child one of their greatest challenges.  My sleep training supports the child through the transition from wakefulness to sleep in children aged 6 months to 4 years, until they are confident in their own ability to self-soothe, usually after 5 nights. 

The success behind getting your infant to settle back to sleep is not as obvious as it may first seem, especially for those children who haven't learned to self soothe. Some babies start to develop this skill at 4 months, but I can assure you many don't!  By offering solutions that suit your child's emotional needs and explaining the theory behind my tips and techniques, parents have felt confident when sleep training.  I don't use the cry-it-out method but instead a very gentle and reassuring technique with good associations. 

2 Hour Video Sleep Consultation and follow up phone support £250 

The most popular package.

Whether you are dealing with frequent wake ups, unsettled nights or early wakings, this is the self help package for you.  I do not encourage you to let your child "cry-it-out", but instead show you how to reduce your support as your child learns to self soothe.  You will learn why your child needs their sleep, why they may not be sleeping now and how to build an appropriate routine and with gentle settling techniques.

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"With the support offered we managed to stick to the plan and after five days we have a baby who no longer uses a dummy, is night weaned and self settles over night. Nothing short of miraculous!"

Sleep Package £1,150

This Sleep Package offers 5 nights in your home when I will teach your child to self-settle.  I will explain my strategies to you each evening and give your child the confidence to self settle.  Together we will change your child's body clock and look at the family routine.  You will have the opportunity to catch up on your own sleep, leaving you refreshed and confident in your skills to support your child's progress to self-settle.  Most children will be sleeping through the night by the time I leave. 

Extra nights £230 each

Continued support by phone/email  £20 per call.

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"I was in a confused and overtired state.  I was able to ask questions and regain my confidence"

photo by Green Chameleon

Sleep Training refresher session £80

Sometimes life can get a bit chaotic and old habits can slip back.  This refresher session is a budget option to refresh your knowledge.  This is for families that have previously taken sleep training with me.

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