Parenting Support

Do you ever wish you had Super Nanny on speed dial?

A little bit of support goes a long way.  Knowing something isn't working well in the family but not sure what the problem is or how to deal with a situation are common problems.  Often talking it through on the phone or having a visit can pinpoint and firm up a way to deal with the behaviour.  Children may be showing behavioural challenges that are confusing.  When having an understanding of your child's development, we can discover the best way to support your child.  The kinds of questions I've had in the past have been about settling a child in a new nursery, dealing with eating or reflux issues, preparing a toddler for a new baby and a child who was defiant during the day, leading to tantrums.

By taking time with you to understand the situation I can offer practical support, tips and ideas to help your child get back on track.  As children grow more independent, their routine needs to reflect all that they are learning to do.  This can result in fractious times and exhausting days when it isn't going well.  Often a few small changes to the routine and insights to the minds of our Terrific Twos will bring back the fun.  This is one of Xanthe's most popular services.

One hour video consultation, to discuss any issue about your child. £80

Popular service

Sometimes all that is needed to see your way forward is a small adjustment to your routine or strategies to help your child deal with a problem.  This an opportunity to understand your child's developmental stage and explore an issue that may be causing tension in the family.  

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 "Now I remember all the fun things we wanted to do with our children"

24 Hour Day £300

This package offers one night's sleep training or respite as appropriate, followed by plenty of time to ask questions and tweak your child's routine.  This option may be useful if your child is sleeping through the night but won't settle for a nap during the day or you need a good nights sleep.  Days can be linked together to create an intensive and affordable package.

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It was wonderful to spend the day with Xanthe and her professional advice was spot on so I would recommend to all parents with young children.